Oberflächen mit System

CO2-Laser Engraving

  • CO2-Lasergravur
  • CO2-Lasergravur
  • CO2-Lasergravur
  • CO2 Laserbeschriftung

Contrary to our Nd-YAG-Lasers, the CO2 laser is a flat bed system with a working range of 900 x 600 mm, a maximum workpiece height of 350 mm and 60 watt power.

This technology is versatile and applies for vectorized as well as half-tone engravings from 75 to 1200 dpi.


The CO2 laser belongs to the class of aeriform lasers.

Accordingly the active medium is aerial and consists of a wavelength of 10640 nm. The laser beam is guided through 2 reflectors to a "flying optics". This optics focuses the laser and guides it pinpointly and exactly positioned to the workpiece. It works similar to the bundling of sunlight with a lens for cutting paper.


Flat or round workpieces, logos or photos, texts of any kind, either as a stamp or a wood engraving – everything can be realized in a short period of time. The variety of insciption and cutting possibilities knows no bounds.


Engravable Materials
stainless steel, laminate-based plastics, acrylic or plexiglass, coated metals, anodized aluminum, wood, glass, stone, marble, leather, rubber, paper and cardboard, fabric and textiles, vinyl, organic materials such as fruits and vegetables

Cuttable Materials
laminate-based plastics, acrylic or plexiglass, wood, paper and cardboard, leather, rubber, fabric and textiles, vinyl